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Colorful Buildings

Meet Our Authors

Laura P. Holton

Children's Literature


Laura P. Holton is a licensed vocational nurse, who also holds a degree in English. She has been writing since the age of twelve and has remained passionate about writing ever since. After winning first place in an essay contest in her seventh-grade creative writing class, Laura's work was published in her local newspaper, The Signal, which solidified her determination to become an author. My Little Brother's Dirty Room is the first of her children's stories to become published. Followed by Lavender the Purple Chicken, Lizzy & the Clouds, and many more to follow.

Lavender the Purple Chicken

No one will play with Lavender because she is purple, until an unlikely friend comes to her rescue.

Lizzy & the Clouds

Lizzy dreams of reaching the clouds in the sky and experiments with different methods to achieve this goal.

Paula D. Golden

Children's Literature



In 2013 I published my first book, "A Surprise Party for James." It is a whimsical story to learn the days of the week with a taste of humor. That book took me five years to find an illustrator, and another five years to publish. Since then, I have written and published many other stories that children and guardians can enjoy.

Ten Cuddly Pandas And Then There was One

TEN CUDDLY PANDAS...AND THEN THERE WAS ONE is a whimsical journey full of colorful imagery at every page turn. Readers discover what happens to each panda to detour them from their group’s journey. A combination of real and make-believe,

I Am Not A Scaredy-Cat!

I Am NOT A Scaredy-Cat is a playful look at the way in which children boldly confront common fears — darkness, creatures, or sounds — and an acknowledgment that no matter how brave we are — we each have fears to face.

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